First places for the young skiers from 'Borovets' sports club in 'Pirin' Cup.
The young skiers from 'Borovets' sports club took the first places in the ski race for 'Pirin Cup' that took place in Banko on the 16th and 17th January.
Here are the results from the GS disciplines: Anton Tomov 1st place, Eva Vukadinova 1st place, Stefan Yarlovski 2nd place, Georgi Morunov 3rd place, Martina Ivanova 4th place, Beloslava Madjarova 9th place, Martin Yarlovski 11th place, Vladi Vladimirov 16th place, Gerogi Asenov 9th place!
In SL discipline the results were also spectacular: Anton Tomov 1st place, Eva Vukadinova 1st place, Nikol Nikolova 2nd place, Georgi Morunov 2nd place, Stefan Yarlovski 6th place, Martina Ivanova 4th place, Martin Yarlovski 12th place, Vladi Vladimirov 10th place, Georgi Konyarski 6th place, Gerogi Asenov 8th place!